Saturday, October 6, 2012

August 2011-April 2012

Unfortunately with out a camera I can't remember what I did. Swiss Days of cours. My ward did a camp out in Uncle Scott's backyard. Thanksgiving at Mom and Dad's house. Christmas at Mom and Dad's house. I turned 34 in January. Worked a lot. Was in the Primary Presidency, a Relief Society teacher, Sunday School teacher and what not. So I was really busy but not picture busy. Went to niece and nephew birthday parties. Played with nieces and nephews when I could. Loved family and friends. And dreamed of having a camera of my own again.

July 2011 New Niece, Canada and Sailing

I took a week off of work grabbed Kyle and we went to the great north west. Skye added another girl to thier family. Alyssa came rather quickly and very early in the morning. Unlike past visit Skye trips we didn't do much tourist stuff with them. Just hung out at home and played games.

Kylie is listening to tunes with me.

Can't Stop was our favorite this trip.

After spending a day or two at Skye's house. We went up to Anacortes, Washington and visited Heather & Russ (the boys were in Utah at the time). They took us out on thier sailboat which was a first for me and I was really nervous. LOVED IT!!! It started out as a rather cold day but warmed up as the day went on.

I'm stearing the boat. Yeah I was not good at that.

Kyle was did an awesome job of sailing.
He knew more than I did by the end of the day.

We sailed to St. James Island and hiked around. It was really small and took us about half an hour. Then we grilled hamburgers off the back of the boat. Man that was a great day.

The next morning we drove to Canada. When we were asked at the border how long we planned to stay and I answered a day she looked shocked and said, "You drove from Utah to spend a day here?" I told her we were visting family in Seatle and thought we'd spend a day in Vancouver since we were so close. Yes, I forgot to take a picture when I left the U.S.A. for the first time. We spent the morning in the Van Dusen Botanical Garden.
It's Heather
The night before we had asked Heather and Russ what are some fun things to do in Vancouver. Heather said we should go to the Capilano Suspension Bridge. Being deathly afraid of heights, I asked if there was stuff to do there besides walk across a suspension bridge that was 450 feet long and 230 feet above a river. She said yep they have a nature walk, tree top walk and other stuff. So Kyle and I went. Once there I discovered that my dear friend knowing me so well had not told me that all of the other stuff to do was on the other side of the bridge. So I could either walk across that bridge or wait in the car for Kyle. Amazingly enough I walked across the bridge. I'm sure I probably walked across it faster than most people but it was still to slow for me. Running wasn't allowed but if it had been I would have. Once on the other side I did a bit of hyperventalating and crying, sunglasses are great, then once calmed down again I enjoyed our time there.


I'm standing on a glass floor


June 2011 Sonya visits and my camera dies

Ever wonder what you'd get if you didn't have a way to see a picture of what your digital camera was taking before you took the picture.
You get this

This is some what fixed

Not the best picture ever. There is a reason why all of those childhood pictures look so funny and awkward. Happy part of June is that Sonya's family came to visit from Ghana. They brought with them my Christmas/Birthday present. I love sunsets and Steven and Sonya have sent me a sunset pciture from everywhere they have lived. This is my Ghana sunset. They found it in a street market in Accra, Ghana. I had it framed and I love it.

May 2011 Reed, Tulips, Friends and Another Wedding

I got to meet my nephew Reed, when Marc and Ashley came to visit us. Skype is fun and I'm glad we have it but it was so much more fun to play with him. I loved watching Grandpa Reed hold baby Reed.
I went with Mom, Dad and Kyle to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving point. I love going there to see the flowers that I can't name but Mom can. This one was my favorite.
I hung out with my high school friends. It was awesome to play cards and games and just laugh. Why is it that Heidi is always pregnant when we do these get togethers?

Jessisca got married so I made the long drive to California and helped out. It was a great day. I love the blessings promised in the temple sealing.