Sunday, September 20, 2009

Today in Primary...

we learned how to pray to Heavenly Father. We taught them the opening, "thank Thee, ask Thee" and closing parts of prayer. The kids pretty much got to say what they were thankful for during most of the lesson and then I came home and my roommate Jennifer was on the couch studying her scriptures and listening to piano church music. Well she is asleep now and the piano music has changed from church to just classical. And I was sending out my traditional weekly email and thought I'd check out blogs. While doing all of this I couldn't help but think how greatful I am that I get to have quite moments such as these. Also that email, blogs and Skype exist. I got to talk and see Sonya on Friday because of Skype. It was awesome that even though she is half a world away we could chat like always. It is amazing to me how much the Lord has given us to keep our families strong and close. And yep friends count as family for me. So I'm thankful for it all and most importantly the reason I need this technology, you my family and friends. Love you all!!


Mama Jennie said...

Wait. Are you teaching Primary now? How long have you been doing that?

Heather said...

Since June. I was in the ward for two weeks before I got the calling.