Saturday, October 1, 2011

October 2010

The potato and carrot harvest is one of my favorite things to do each year. Well except the years where there is snow on the ground. It is fun to get together with my family and work together outside.
Grandpa is always near by helping to guide us.
I love this picture of Mom, Zeke and Nora.

Carrots come in all sizes. Really small, like this one I'm holding

and really big like this one Nora is holding.


Manndi said...

Great pictures! I'm glad you had your camera for that. The potato & carrot harvest is going to be lots of fun this year too! How much has Nora grown in a year. It's crazy. But, you know, she loves carrots....

Jennifer said...

Looks like you've been up to all kinds of fun! Where's the blog on your trip to California for Jessica's wedding? I want to see all those pictures!