Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I love cool nature pictures. I'd love to be the one making money off of cool nature pictures. I'd get to go camping to take cool pictures so it would be free right? Well since most really cool shots require climbing up something to get them I stay on the ground and just pull out my camera everynow and then. Here are some shots I've taken since I got my new digital camera. The sunset was taken from my stair well and the others are from a hike I went on with Jess. More on that one in another post. Not bad but not great either. Practice makes perfect so they should get better. In the mean time, Enjoy! I do.


Manndi said...

So awesome. My nature shots never do justice to the real thing, but yours look great!

Heather said...

That sunset setting on the camera helps a lot.

Heidi said...

Wow, these photos are amazing! Totally awesome.

Skye said...

As I mentioned before...I love those sunset shots! Those are some spectacular colors.